Who we are

Our NGO, Furrydom India, is a beacon of hope for the voiceless and vulnerable. We are dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abandoned animals, providing them with food, medical aid, and shelter.
Our mission extends beyond animal welfare, as we also strive to uplift underprivileged communities. We distribute rations to those in need and empower them through education.
Join us as we strive to create a world where every life is cherished and every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

"They too, are created by the same loving hand of God which Created us."

- Mother Teresa

Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare
Animal WelfareRead More
E3: Equip, Educate, Empower
E3: Equip, Educate, Empower
E3: Equip, Educate, EmpowerRead More
Ration Kit
Ration Kit
Ration KitRead More
2500 daily help provided to animals

Save animals, serve humanity

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